5 Things You Can do to Keep Good Tenants in Rhode Island

Please don’t go! With happier tenants overall, your turnover rates will be lower than the average in Rhode Island, and your income will be steady and reliable, making you a happy landlord. And once you have gone through the trouble of a thorough screening process and have located exceptional tenants, you simply will not want … Continued

5 Ways to Handle Bad Tenants in Rhode Island

It can be emotionally wearing when you have a tenant that has become far less stellar than the referrals you reviewed and the information provided on their application that led you to accept them in your property.  When facing such a difficult situation, it’s constructive to have a guide providing you with options and steps … Continued

5 Ways Homeowners in Rhode Island Can Get Out of Debt

Are you a homeowner who wants to get out of debt? Struggling to climb out of debt while paying exorbitant interest on your loans can be overwhelming. Another hurdle for many is the fear of changing lifestyles and doing without shopping therapy and all of the little perks and comforts they’ve grown accustomed to in … Continued

6 Tips For Dealing With Bad Tenants In Rhode Island

Are you tired of dealing with bad tenants in Rhode Island? Whether it is the property or the location attracting the wrong people, owning a bad investment property can be expensive and frustrating. Below, we offer 6 tips for dealing with bad tenants in Rhode Island!  Owning an investment property occupied by bad tenants can … Continued
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